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Treating your tree's symptoms by providing solutions to the cause.

Whiteflies are tiny, sap-sucking insects that are frequently abundant in vegetable and ornamental plantings.They excrete sticky honeydew and cause yellowing or death of leaves.  Outbreaks often occur when the natural biological control is disrupted. Management is difficult. (UC IPM)

Control is difficult to achieve when populations have multiplied creating an outbreak. This usually occurs by mid to late summer.

If treated before large outbreaks occur, nuisance sap and cotton candy build up can be avoided. Early season applications of systemic pesticide either by trunk or soil injection, will help prevent these outbreaks. This method of application will help prevent disruption of many natural, “beneficial” insect populations.


If pesticide treatment is necessary, we recommend sub-surface soil applications and/or trunk drench option. In some cases foliar spray with short residual, botanically derived pyrethrum insecticide is another good option. We encourage the use of plants that attract beneficial insect populations. For more in-depth information about whitefly, use the following link which will guide you to the UC IPM web site.


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