Thrips is a small insect that feeds on the bottom of leaf surfaces and changes their cosmetic appearance. Their mouthparts scrape leaf tissue and they feed on the bursted plant cells. It is used as a diagnostic tool. Infested leaves can have a silvery color to them. They can stunt plant growth and vector disease. We commonly see their damage on Madrone, Laurel, Toyon and Rhododendron shrubs. In our experience they return every year.

Native to Australia and New Zealand, an invasive insect species is causing severe disfiguration of Myoporum shrubs. The pest Klambothrips myopori, was introduced to our area and can be very aggressive. Leaf distortion is the most noticeable damage.
We are managing severe infestations in several Bay area communities. If infestations are detected early and treatment timing can be implemented before advanced damage occurs, plant mortality may be avoided. The photo of the myoporum hedge show a group of shrubs which had severe leaf galling. Left untreated, the hedge would soon look like other trees in adjacent neighborhoods. Both of these pictures were taken from the same geographic area
Myoporum Thrips
Maintaining a healthy growing environment along with yearly pesticide applications will help your plants cope with this pest.