Tree Solutions arborists specialize in diagnosis of these and other diseases affecting trees and plants on the Central Coast. Monitoring and proper treatment are essential for control and in some cases the survival of your trees. Contact us to if you need more information and/or think your trees are infested by any of these pest.
Other Pests

Symptoms of Drippy Acorn Disease are nearly identical to aphid and whitefly outbreaks in that large amounts of sticky substances are emitted in late summer. This condition though a nuisance for those who are affected by it, will not kill a tree. It is caused by a bacterial infection (Brenneria quercina) which is vectored by filbert weevils. Infection causes foamy/sticky substance which drip onto vehicles, patios, decks and landscape features. Though there is no known cure for the disease, canopy sprays to reduce acorn production may be helpful.
Drippy Acorn Disease
First detected in San Diego County in 2004 by the California Department of Agriculture, this borer is causing extensive mortality to oak trees growing in the Cleveland National Forest in Southern California. This pest primarily affects coast live oak, black oak, canyon oak. These are the primary oak species of the Central California coastal mountains. Currently, its distribution is still limited to Southern California, but due to the high tree mortality potential of this pest, and lack of effective control, Government officials are very concerned about its spread northward. The most common form of spread is by firewood transportation. See our notes from the 2009 International Science Symposium on SOD.