Soil Enhancement

Growing Environment management is key to plant success.
Protects soil from hot sun exposure and pounding rain. Both of these conditions can lead to poor plant health.
It provides a carbon source,(food) for microbiology.
Helps control weeds, for more information click here.
In most cases, what happens below soil surface determines plant health and vigor. Microbial communities provide plant available nutrients and pathogen protection. For more information click here.
Just as critical as Organic matter, water must be supplied in correct amounts.
Too much water fills pore space and creates anaerobic conditions.
Too little and soil becomes more like a desert than oasis.
We all know plants need nutrients. Did you know nutrient availiblilty is determined by growing environment conditions?
Critical components are:
Soil microbes-microbial balance in the soil is key to nutrien cycling. Soil microbes perfom many functions. Without them soil is just dirt.
Soil condition-Compacted soil prevents air and water from performing their functions. Loamy soil has 50% pore space. Air and water have to move through the soil profile in order to reach roots.
Contact us for a Growing Environment and Plant Health Assessment.