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Fruit Tree Pruning

Fruit Tree Pruning

Fruit tree pruning is a combination of science and art. Historically, fruit tree pruning was only performed during winter months after leaves have fallen and trees have reached dormancy. This once per year approach has changed.

Different growth phases and long-term goals will determine which pruning techniques to use. Young trees and mature trees have significantly different pruning requirements. 3 year plans are common. Different goals require different pruning approaches to acheive. 


Years 1-3 Canopy stucture pruning and training

Years 3+ Fruit production pruning and continued structural pruning

Over the years experts have learned the benefits of combining summer and winter pruning.

Here are a few:

Winter-early spring

  • Prune apple and pear trees-Structure pruning

  • Fruit production pruning

Late spring

  • Prune stone fruits-Structure pruning. This timing helps to help prevent/reduce common disease colonization

Summer pruning

  • Structural pruning

  • Thinning cuts to allow more light to reach fruit

  • Height establishment pruning 

  • Fruit production pruning

More information to come...

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