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Our most common site visit generally lasts up to one hour. During that time, we perform what is called a Level 2 assessment. A Level 2 assessment entails a close up examination of a tree's leaves, branches and tree trunks. We look for signs of pest and disease issues. We also examine and discuss with property owner a history of landscape projects. This is also very important because damage to root system is a leading cause of tree decline. When requested, we implement a treatment plan.

What does a Site Visit entail?

The answer is contingent on the type of treatment we are performing. If we are doing the Soil Restore/Organic Fertilization treatment, no there are no concerns to the safety of your pets and children. Tree Solutions selects the least toxic, yet effective pesticide options. We recommend the following. If we are doing a treatment for pest control and/or Sudden Oak Death, we ask that you have your pets and children in your home while performing the service. It is also recommended that you keep them away from the area that was treated until after the application has dried, which is typically 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Are the treatments we use harmful to our children and pets?

In the case of tree diseases, these are usually caused by environmental factors such as being present in the soil, contamination from airborne spores or high humidity. The pathogen Phytophthora ramorum which causes Sudden Oak Death (SOD) is transmitted via a water mold spore that is attracted to Bay Laurel and Tan Oak tree leaves and then spread onto oaks and other trees.

In the case of pests, most times these are localized infestations. Some pests are particularly mobile such as the California oak worm. If the tree they are feeding on becomes completely defoliated, they can migrate to other adjacent trees. This is a rare occurrence in years where oak worm outbreaks are high. Normally, pests don't move from their target tree.

Can a sick tree infect a healthy tree?

The answer to this depends on tree species. Some trees like oaks, it is preferable to prune between the spring and fall months. Other tree species such as pines, are pruned during winter months. Fruit trees can handle dormant pruning in Winter months or thinning and canopy growth management during the Summer months.

When is the best time to prune my tree?

There is in fact. A product known as a plant growth regulator aims to limit lateral growth of trees by shifiting the fous to other aspects of tree health such as thickening of leaves and roots. The annual growth is limited by as much as 70% and can last up to 2 years.

Is there a way to get my tree to not grow so fast?

For most trees, a good answer is 2-3 years. A year to recover, a year to grow and by the third year it's ok to prun again. Some trees can handle more frequent pruning depending on how fast they grow back. Fruit trees can be pruned every year either in Winter for structure or Summer for fruit production and structure.

How often should I prune my trees?

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope our FAQ section helps you. Let us know if you would like us to add any.

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